You know how they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder? I wonder if I can use that as an excuse as to why I haven't posted here for awhile...
Yeah, I didn't think so!
Anyway, it's been a crazy year all around (and for EVERYONE!) As a teacher, I've finally completed the most difficult year of my career. As such, my author career had to take a backseat in many ways.
HOWEVER, this year alone (2021) I've completed TWO new books!
The first book I completed was the first book in my new hockey series, The Sacramento Ravage. Shutout tells the story of Theo Axelsson (The goaltender from Two for Holding) and Parker Ward (someone brand new!) as they both navigate their roles on a brand new professional hockey team.
I absolutely loved writing this book and adore the characters! It's available now on Amazon!
The second book I released just a couple of weeks ago is a part of the Single Dads Romance series. Flag on the Play stars Carson Ward (who is not only the quarterback of the Colorado Wildcats football team but also Parker's big brother) and Abby Lauder, his best friend's little sister. These two fight their feelings that they have for one another but are ultimately brought together by the baby Carson didn't know he had. It's a sweet, quick read with a romance that burns a bit slow. It's also available on Amazon now! So, now what?
Well, I have one more month of summer vacation and outside of the plans I have with my family, I'm hoping to make some great progress on the second book in the Sacramento Ravage series. This book is Defend the Zone and it's a second chance romance. I've already completed about 30% of it and I love it so far.
I'm hoping to have Defend the Zone out in the next couple of months. After it's done, I will be working on a book that stars two secondary characters from Flag on the Play. (Yes! Reese and Trevor are getting their own book!)
Maybe it's ambitious of me to hope to have two more books out this year (bringing my total for 2021 to FOUR when my total for 2020 was only one, ha.) but I like having lofty goals!
In the meantime, I hope you all know what you mean to me! Without wonderful readers like you, I wouldn't be doing what I am!
I'll be back soon (I promise!)
For links and details on Shutout and Flag on the Play, see below!
Love, Kay

SHUTOUT Theo "Axe" Axelsson was at the top of his game. He was promoted to starting goaltender, helped his team bring home the Stanley Cup, and even won the Vezina trophy.
And what did that get him? A move to Sacramento to join the NHL’s newest hockey team, the Ravage.
Now he has to find his groove with a brand new group of guys and is biding his time until he can be traded back to New York where he belongs. The new neighbor across the hall has the ability to mess up his plans, though. He can stop the pucks on the ice but he can’t seem to shutout Parker.
Parker Ward’s new job is almost everything she’s ever wanted. Being a top reporter for a professional sports team is her dream and when she’s given the opportunity to join the newest hockey team, she takes it. Sure, she knows nothing about hockey and would rather be covering a football team, but this job is something she can’t pass up.
The surly neighbor across the hall wasn’t something she was anticipating, though. She can read people easily but she has a hard time figuring out Theo.
Theo is closed off and assumes the worst about people. Parker is outgoing and sees the good is most things. Theo isn’t planning on staying in Sacramento and Parker isn’t sure where she’s going to end up.
Knowing that isn’t enough to stop the two from being drawn to each other, but is it enough to keep either of them from getting hurt when the season is all over?
Watch as these two opposites collide in a flurry of hockey pucks and Princess Bride quotes– all while trying desperately not to fall in love.
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FLAG ON THE PLAY Carson Ward’s life might seem glamorous but he’s a simple guy. He loves football, his family, and spending time with his friends. His biggest flaw might just be the fact that he has a secret crush on his best friend’s little sister and has for years.
Abby Lauder is a free spirit and loves seeing life through the lens of her camera. As the photographer for a professional football team, she’s used to being just one of the guys. Whether she’s taking pictures of nature or pictures of football players, she never fails to catch the perfect image. So what if her camera lingers on her brother’s best friend a bit longer than others?
When Carson's ex-girlfriend drops a newborn baby off on his doorstep, he’s caught completely unaware. He never dreamed that he would go from star quarterback to a single dad in an instant. Luckily, he has help from those around him- including Abby. But, taking care of a newborn baby isn’t easy and it’ll require the quarterback and the photographer to spend even more time together.
Amidst the diaper changes and late night feedings, hiding their feelings from each other will be harder than they think. Besides, their relationship is taboo in far too many ways for things to really go anywhere between them…right?
Or maybe Carson and Abby will realize that sometimes love is worth the risk. Buy on Amazon:
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Happy Monday, everyone! (Is that a thing? Happy Mondays?) Well, it is today because today is the day that Game Winning Goal is LIVE on Amazon!
I never intended on writing a book for Kam Matlock. He was a secondary character in Two For Holding and never meant to be anything more than that. I am so glad that he didn't just remain there! I fell in love with this guy and all of his awkward moments! I also absolutely loved writing about Cheyenne and having her be the strong woman she is- someone who didn't need a hero but wanted a partner!
I am so grateful to have been apart of the 425 Madison Series and to all those who were involved. I made some amazing friends and have had so many more opportunities thanks to this amazing community that we created. I am working on Theo's book (a secondary character from Two For Holding who WAS always supposed to have his own book!) and am excited to kickoff my newest series, The Sacramento Savage. The goal is to have it out by Christmas time. You'll love Theo!
Thank you to all of you who have read my books, left reviews, and supported me through all of this. I couldn't do it without you!
Stay happy. Stay Safe. Stay awesome.
Talk again soon!
xoxo- Kay
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Life was good. I had a great job, amazing people surrounding me, season tickets to see my favorite hockey team play, and a cat that I could cuddle. Although it didn’t seem glamorous, I was happy. But when the shy, handsome, and somewhat awkward hockey player slid into my life, I realized that I could be happier. I wanted to be more than just content with life.
I knew I wanted to be a hockey player from the moment I put on my first pair of skates. I played hard for the Titans, proving that I belonged on the top line. But just when I finally made it, an injury took me out of the game. While feeling sorry for myself and waiting to heal, I met the bubbly, beautiful, and smart pediatrician who brought me to my knees. She made me see that there was more to life than scoring goals.
A love of the game helps bring these two together and onto a path towards a different kind of love. Cheyenne and Kamden’s road isn’t as smooth as ice, though. What happens when Kam’s recovery isn’t easy and his position on the team is threatened? Cheyenne has to figure out how to break down his defense and Kam has to realize that he might not always be the one to score the game-winning goal.
After all, 425 Madison is the perfect place to fall in love!

Great. Now I'm going to have The Real Slim Shady stuck in my head for the rest of the day!
But seriously- ME!
Honestly, the past year has been insanely busy. I've been teaching for a few years but this last school year was the first time I've had a chance to settle, to create my own curriculum, and to have a full case load of students (I'm a special education teacher.) On top of that, I was also in grad school, finishing my master's degree.
Shortly before all of this virus stuff (You suck, covid!) I finished my graduate degree- yay!!! Then I had to dive into Distance Learning to teach my kids through a computer screen.
But now? Now I'm on summer break and I've written more words in the past 4 weeks than I have in the past year.
So what does that me? It means BOOKS ARE COMING!
I'm so excited to announce that I'll be joining The 425 Madison Avenue series for their third season. My book, Game Winning Goal, will be released at the end of September. This story will take us back to the New York Titans and will be focused around Kamden Matlock and his sassy heroine. You can add it to Goodreads HERE:
But wait, what about Theo's story?!
Oh, I didn't forget about our favorite goalie. His story is also coming along and is about half done. My goal is to release his before Kamden's, although I don't have a hard date. It's coming, though! You can add it to Goodreads HERE:
And last but not least is Our New Normal. This book is only two chapters away from being done and is a standalone contemporary romance novel that I absolutely love. My goal is to have Carter and Brooklyn to you before summer is over as well, but I don't have a date. But it's coming! You can add Our New Normal to Goodreads HERE:
So, they're coming! I have words for you- it's just finishing up what needs to be done and placing them in your hands. I appreciate how patient you've all been with me and hope that you love these stories as much as I do!
I'll be back with some hard release dates for you as soon as possible! Until then, stay healthy, stay safe, and stay sane! LOVE EACH OTHER, PLEASE!