I mean, the Stanley Cup playoffs ARE coming (and I'm not feeling too optimistic about them with the way my Predators are playing) but that's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about my FIRST hockey romance novel! Two For Holding is less than two weeks away from release. On April 4th, you'll get to meet Porter, Savannah, and Logan- three people I fell in love with the second I started writing about them.
I seriously can't wait for the world to see them. I'm hoping that you've already started the 425 Madison Series by now because if you haven't, you're seriously missing out! Each one is by a different amazing author, all set in the same little world, but each available to be read on its own.
Go! Pre-order Two For Holding ( http://bit.ly/KG-TFH ) and then start working your way through the first three books. You'll thank me later- I promise!
Once you've read TFH, leave a review, drop me a line, and let me know what you think!
And who knows... Maybe you'll see some of those hockey players again some day. (Wink, wink!)
Must Love Coffee, 425 Madison Avenue, Book 1: https://rebrand.ly/MLC_425Madison
Let Me Love You, 425 Madison Avenue, Book 2: https://rebrand.ly/LMLY_425Madison
Just Swipe Right, 425 Madison Avenue, Book 3: https://rebrand.ly/JSR_425Madison
Two For Holding, 425 Madison Avenue, Book 4: http://bit.ly/KG-TFH
Boyfriend Maintenance, 425 Madison Avenue, Book 5: https://rebrand.ly/BF_425Madison
Love Under Construction, 425 Madison Avenue, Book 6: https://rebrand.ly/LUC_425Madison
Back For More, 425 Madison Avenue, Book 7: http://bit.ly/425Mad3JSR
Accidentally in Love, 425 Madison Avenue, Book 8: https://rebrand.ly/AIL_425Madison
Sightseeing in Manhattan, 425 Madison Avenue, Book 9: https://rebrand.ly/SIM_425Madison
I'm so excited to make 2019 the best year yet in both my personal life and my author world! It's already off to a GREAT start and this is one of the big reasons why!
I've teamed up with eight other amazing authors- Lauren Helms, Allie York, Sylvia Kane, Leigh Lennon, Aubree Valentine, Clare Lesbirel, MK Moore, and Katy Ames- to bring a new series to your eReaders next year.
425 Madison is coming your way!!
Read the official announcement here: http://bit.ly/425MadisonAnnouncement
One luxury high-rise apartment building. Nine delicious romances set against the backdrop of fast-paced and sexy New York City. With plenty of residents; all with their own stories to tell. Join these authors as they come together, each with a standalone romance for you to enjoy. Each tale offers you something new, something different. These aren't your mama's romance novels... After all 425 Madison is the perfect place to fall in love.

The covers of the first three books were announced last week and they're so BEAUTIFUL! You can get the first in the series, Must Love Coffee, on January 31st! (More about this HERE! )

Stay turned for more announcements about this project (including the reveal of the cover of my book, Two For Holding!)
Yeah. You don't have to tell me.
I suck.
In my defense, 2018 was really busy. I wasn't planning on working full time at all in 2018 but then ended up working full time for most of 2018. Couple that with grad school and then these pesky evening certification classes I had to take all fall (so glad those are done!) and my family barely got to see me. That left no time to write!
But things have settled down a lot. I've found a rhythm in my classroom that works really well, those evening classes are over, and I'm feeling less stress all around. Since winter break started, I've written SO MANY WORDS!!!
Anyhow, I'm not going to leave 2018 with only one book released. Nope. I just hit "publish" on Reduced to Ashes!!! Depending on Amazon, it should be out tomorrow or Tuesday.
Reduced to Ashes is the final book in my New Hope Fire Department series. I loved all of my characters in those books but I have so many projects upcoming. One I'll tell you about more this week! Tori and Evan's story was fun to write and I really loved watching Tori change throughout the course of it.
Anyways, let me share Tori's cover with you. Once again, my husband has gone above and beyond to make sure I'm happy! As soon as the book is live, the link that goes with this cover will work and it will take you right to the Amazon page. I'll also post on Facebook once it's up and running.
I hope everyone had an amazing 2018 and that 2019 treats you even better. I'm so thankful for each and every one of you and can't wait to give you even more!