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  • authorkaygordon

Happy Three Years!

Yesterday was the three year publishversary of Scars of the Past, my very first book.

I've come a really long way since I first hit "publish" on that book (or so I'd like to think!)

Last week I published my ninth book, Summer by the Lake, and I still can't believe it. I'm currently working on the tenth, Finding a Hart, which I'm hoping to have out by the end of the year.

Writing is fun. Publishing, while it can also be fun, is SO scary. Putting your words out there for someone to love, hate, judge, and dissect is not an easy feat. I've discovered that I have to have a thick skin. I've discovered that I shouldn't stalk reviews or ratings. I've discovered that if even one person enjoys my books, I feel insanely fulfilled.

I'm not perfect. I don't hire an editor to help me with my books. I enlist the help of two amazing people and hope that we find as many errors as possible. Everything is constantly being looked at again and being fixed if it needs to be. Please know that if you are unsatisfied with one of my books, all you have to do is contact me and I will do whatever I can to rectify it.

I appreciate each and every person who takes the time out to read what I wrote. I appreciate each and every review (yes, even the bad) because it helps me grow as an author.

I'll keep doing this and I hope that out there someone, someone will keep enjoying them.

Happy three years! And keep an eye out here... I'm going to be doing some giveaways very soon!


Oh, PS: I know that when I first released Scars of the Past, it wasn't in the best shape. If you have one of those old copies and not the more recent edition that's free on Amazon, e-mail me at I will get you a new copy ASAP. I'm working on getting Amazon to push out the update but they certainly don't make it easy!

What I'm Currently
Working On

Defend the Zone

-Sacramento Ravage, Book #2

  • Release Date:  Unknown

  • Cover Reveal: Unknown

Our New Normal

  • Release Date: Coming Soon!

  • Cover Reveal: Coming Soon!

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